




  • For the purpose of simplification, consider T1 and T2 to be two different exercises when selecting your weights. So your T1 squat will use a different weight than your T2 squat even though you’re performing the same lift.

The Progression Protocol

  • 1. It works just like every other beginner program does: everytime you perform the lift, you add 5-lbs/2.5kg for upper body lifts (bench press and overhead press) and 10-lbs/5kg for lower body lifts (squats and deadlifts).
    2. Obviously, you can't keep going like this forever or else we'd all be benching 500 lbs after 100 workouts. The GZCLP protocol for dealing with stalling is to simply **change up the number of sets and reps** as outlined in the infographic.


- For T1 Lifts -

  • Once you can no longer do 5 sets of 3 reps at that particular weight, you then continue with that same weight in the next workout but do it for 6 sets of 2 reps instead. Note that you’ll only switch it up for that particular exercise – leave the other lifts alone if you’re still making progress at 5x3.

    什么?做不了5x3就做6x2作为代替?这怎么还越练越倒春?next workout 是指这一周里的下一次训练吗?



Let’s look at a T1 lift, benchpress. This is done on workout A2. I’m assuming you do all 4 workouts in a week, so you do workout A2 once a week

For all T1 lifts, in this example benchpress, you start by doing 5x3, adding 5lbs every time until you fail. This is just like Strong lifts or starting strength!

Your schedule would look like:

week 1: 50lb - 5x3 (success)

week 2: 55lb - 5x3 (success)

week 3: 60lb -5x3 (success)

Now lets say on week 4 you fail at 65lb:

week 4: 65lb -5x3 (fail!)

This is where things change. Now you no longer use 5x3 for workout A2 bench press anymore. 5x3 is done. Now you use 6x2. And You keep using 6x2, increasing the weight by 5lbs until you fail again. This is the key part that confuses people.

Now you continue like before, but you use 6x2. For example:

week 5: 65lb - 6x2 (success)

week 6: 70lb - 6x2 (success)

week 7: 75lb - 6x2 (success)

Now lets say you fail on week 8:

week 8: 80lb - 6x2 (Fail!).

So now you no longer use 6x2. Instead you use 10x1, increasing the weight by 5lbs every time still.

week 9: 80lb - 10x1 (success)

week 10: 85lb - 10x1 (success)

week 11: 90lb - 10x1 (success)

Lets say you fail on week 12:

week 12: 95lb - 10x1 (Fail!)

Congrats, you have finished a progression. This is where the progression starts over.


At the end of the cycle, when you can’t do 10x1, the protocol is to rest for a few days then test for a new 5-rep max. You’ll then take 85% of whatever this weight is, and use it as your starting weight for a new cycle of 5x3, then start the cycle all over again.


- For T2 and T3 Lifts -

The same progression protocol applies for T2 lifts, except you go from 3x10 -> 3x8 -> 3x6. At the end of the cycle, just go back to 3x10 with a slightly heavier weight than the last time you did 3x10 (no more than 20-lbs). So if you failed to do 3x10 at 100-lbs, start a new cycle with somewhere between 105-lbs to 120-lbs.

For T3 lifts, you increase the weight by the smallest possible increment once you can do 25 reps during the last set.

Switching from SS/SL to GZCLP

 Just don’t forget that your last set is AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) and as one of the commenters below mentioned, be sure to leave 1-2 reps in the tank.
